Oct 04, 2004 02:36
If I'm leanin' at all, I'm leanin' with sadness that everyone's heart isn't filled with the gladness of love for one another.
I can't explain it. I just. I'm so full of love right now. I love you all. My fellow people. My brothers. My sisters. I want to keep you safe. I want to hold you when you're not strong. I want to always be connected with each and every one of you.
Because we should never be apart. There's never a reason for any of us to be alone. Realize that there is something amazing that we have. Look to your neighbors and realize how much you love them. Because I know that each and everyone of you feels the same way I do. Don't even deny it for a second. We would all die for one another, because your love for others, no, yourself too, your love for everyone and everything is the greatest abstract notion you will ever encounter. Don't squander it by being sad. You should always be glad that you have this incredible thing, this amazing ability, no, neccesity, to care. I feel it so strongly right now and I don't even know why. I feel like I need to tell everyone about it. About this force we have inside us that truly drives us to to what we do.
I know it's what drives me. It's the truth. Selfishness, gluttony, pride, it's all a game. They aren't really our reasons for doing things. We just like to confuse ourselves sometimes. Really when you think about it the most important thing of all is what drives us all the time and that is our affection for life. So be affected. Not pressured. Don't worry about doing the right thing or the unselfish thing. Because that's not really what measures you. That's all bullshit. The whole notion of being good or bad or right or wrong. It's all bullshit. Just like being strong and weak and shit. Why do we care? Why do we put ourselves on scales?
Why do we put actions or decisions we make on scales? Why is doing one thing better than another? Because it is makes possibly your life last longer? Helps you survive? That's what it all boils down to, isn't it? Well fuck that! We're gonna die anyway! You, me, Joe Guy over there, we all die. Just because you manage to delay it a bit longer with your "good decisions" doesn't mean you deserve a round of fucking applause.
Look. You are awesome. You are truly a wonderful and marvelous thing. No matter what anyone ever says, this is and always will be true. Because judgement is for idiots. Only when you release your judgements are you ever free.
I listened to this song and I cried tears of joy. Then I proceeded to write this.
Maybe it's all just crazy bullshit talk, but one thing's for sure: I've finally fallen in love with the world.