Heres and update just started to take up Illustrator and find it bear a close resemblance to Photoshop but has some of the tools that Indesign uses but anyway I'm finding it difficult but i'm learning slowly so yay for me
So while diligently researching for 3 Tales I decided to take a break and see Ridley Scott's new movie "Robin Hood". I found it to be good but not great. It was interesting to see "The Back story" that Ridley made for Robin but what I found was lacking that his other movies contained was a feeling of epicness. In gladiator the viewer is inundated with the glory of Rome (via it's architecture and gladiatorial games) and in Kingdom of Heaven the viewer is flooded with images of wealth and splendor of Jerusalem but in Robin Hood it's just simply not there. I found the movie to be well - acted and an interesting watch but sometimes it's a little predictable. On a side note i'm still working on the logo and will be finished with it, Then you'll all see my awesome poster.
One more thing to add guys since we are a group of cartoonist who hopefully make this our careers we need to spread word of this blog to people who actually review comics (bloggers) I talked to the guy I intern with and he said that in order to get ourselves more attention we need a wider market and so if any of you can post any info about us or this blog to other blogs comic related we'd get more people coming to this blog.
Swing by next week when I show off my most recent drawings inspired by my commute
and btw if you guys haven't seen my "Office Comic" here's the link