...Doing whatever a spider can....

May 11, 2002 16:26

I'm thinking seriously about getting me a tattoo now....
It's most likely a silly idea, and I realise that it'll hurt like hell when they do it, and all that... Oh, and needlessly expensive, too...
And I'm aware that if I do, it won't be for a few months yet (plenty of time to think about it) because of a cople of monetary difficulties that prevent me from... well... spending, at the moment :P

I'm very much pondering at the present time getting a spider... The Spiderman spider thing that he has on the chest of his suit in the latest movie, no less... In fact, I'm thinking of getting it in the same place as he does on his suit... fight there in the center of his chest :) (In quite possibly one of the most painful areas that you can get a tattoo, unless I've been lied to about that)

I've been told in no uncertain terms by a good friend already that it would look better on me shoulder, and by another very good gfriend that chests generally look a hellova lot better without tattoos of any kind (and he does know what he's talking about, I have no doubt about that :) ) But I'm an idiot... and I still want it there...

What an idiot :D
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