Study -break ... again

Nov 12, 2010 21:40

 I am taking a study break for twenty glorious minutes and using it to write to YOU guys, so feel motherfucking privileged! I fail at spelling the word privilege btw, lucky for interweb spellcheck that it is now right.

I was feeling mega good for a minute there because I'm tallying blocks of work I get done and I have five tally strokes and I was like, "Sweet, five hours, that's a good work day by any standards" and then I remember I am tallying it by the half hour and that is actually only two and a half hours work. Counting fail.

In other news Le Morte Darthur is hilarious and seriously gay a lot of the time. Like, the real reason it all went wrong? It wasn't cos Arthur couldn't get over Lancelot and Guen, it was because Sir Gawaine could not get over Lancelot killing this other knight, sir Gareth while rescuing Guenevere. And it goes on and one about how Gawain and Gareth were ever so close and loved each other best of all their "brothers" etc etc, totes gay. I am also really enjoying re-writing the whole Arthur, Lancelot Guenevere triangle gay. But like, Arthur is gay, Lancelot is bi and Guenevere is straight and so Arthur is really pissed because Lancelot chose a woman over him, the betrayal! From his best loved knight!!

Yep, a constructive use of my study time. But it really takes no time, I can do it instantaneously, I am THAT good!!!

Other things that are actually in the text that I NEVER KNEW:

1. Elaine of Shallot was a total whore!! She asks Lancelot to marry her and when he says no she asks him to be her "paramour" my lordy girl, that is just slutty!!! And when he says no (cos you know, he likes her brothers so cannot shame her, bros before hos man) anyway, when he says no she starves herself.

2. Lancelot is kind of a ludicrous figure. He gets shot in the butt by a lady huntress!!! Seriously for realz, the buttock. It is repeated like three times.

3. Apparently ladies weren't the only ones swooning at every opportunity. Lancelot, Arthur and Gawain have all swooned repeatedly. Gawain after his "Good friend" Gareth is killed.

Postscript: Just in case anyone overly political reads or stumbles on my journal, I do not think Elaine is a slut, that was a joke and there is nothing wrong with sluttyness either!!!

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