Dragon Age II (Mark of the Assassin) 25 icons - Mostly default M!Hawke - Carver - F!Hwake - Fenris - Anders - Varric - Tallis
Assassin's Creed 36 icons - Altair - Malik - Kadar - Desmond
Star Trek 13 icons - Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Spock - James Kirk
Team Fortress 2 (Meet the Medic) 29 icons - Medic - Demoman - Scout - Sniper - Engineer - Heavy
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- I had the TF2 ones done a while ago (when Meet the Medic just came out). I was just...lazy with editing/posting them. OTL Same with Star Trek. - 1: This is my favorite. I wish I can impersonate Ben Stein JUST to make a video out of this. It's based on Good Idea, Bad Idea from Animaniacs. - 13: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (The Loghain one I made is still my favorite though.) Thanks to my friend Peter for shooping the glasses for me! - 38: Cutest moment EVER. - 69: The actual cap looks like he's teabagging the poor soldier. - 82: Let the scholars through PAY NO MIND TO THE ONE CARRYING THE KNIVES - 80-90: Yes, he's totally dancing. Just Lose It. - 92: I made these icons at different times. Funny coincidence that it looks like he's trying to do the Vulcan salute when I also have Star Trek icons here, hahaha.
These icons are NOT intended to be bases. Please don't edit them. *Usual rules apply. Comments/credit (either to me or this comm) is not necessary but wonderfully appreciated. Just don't credit someone else or yourself, for whatever reason. Thank you!