I feel like my banging my head repeatedely against the desk right now until it hurts. Just sometimes... Or now. Both. Fuck.
And this is after my "nap" yesterday evening starting at 8pm turning into a full 12 hour sleep.
Chill out music for the masses -- I've posted other stuff by Bonobo at least a few times before. Like
here. Really tight, perfect chill-out music, indeed. Think RJD2 with a little bit more style, less hip hop, more jazz and world influences. It's solid. I've posted a live version of "Nothing Owed" before as well so that's definitely worth checking out.
Okay, enjoy. My head hurts.
Bonobo - Nothing Owed MP3:
Bonobo - Wayward Bob (A world where everyone listened to this band [Califone] and this song [see above] would be a much better world. I just wanted to say that. Yes.)