(I am spindleless. This grieves me.)

Jul 24, 2009 10:37

In the vein of random thoughts,
at Tokyo in Tulsa, I saw a guy in a very striking costume--he looked great. I can't tell you if he was particularly good looking because his make-up was INTENSE. But he carried off the intensity very well.

But it started me thinking...though I'm not photogenic, I think I would make a pretty good costuming doll.
My coloring, particularly, would be fun to use as part of a character design.
(Sometime I'll have to show you the two shots I took of myself in which one is a self-portrait and one is a portrait of me as Tilda Swinton. Just by a slight angle change...)

Things I read Worth Reading lately:

Dealing with Dragons, by Patricia C. Wrede is one of the books I've passed over, because I thought it was something else I wasn't interested in.

Finally, I learned my error. This is one of those perfect fairy-tale/fantasy parodies that still uses the tropes to it's advantage, and keeps the joy. Also, bonus-plus-points for having a spunky heroine who enjoys running a household even if she's not a fan of doing the dishes. Searching for Dragons, the sequel, is equally delightful. Calling on Dragons is just as funny, if not moreso, but took a sober turn that hurt my heart at the end, and I have to read the next to see how I feel about it...

Sidescrollers is another of-a-kind with the above, except on the side of geeks writing about geeks for geeks. The characters have their lame moments, but always have something funny to say about it, which is the point of writing about geeks, really. These are rather bum-like gamers who have enough spine left to take on Football Gorilla with Nefarious Designs on one guy's Crush, with only a brief interlude for snacks and action-figure-wrongness.

It has the kind of specific feel to the detail I love in *anything* but is particularly awesome in comics.
The Hopeless Savages I read a while ago, but is on par, as a graphic novel. (In this case, band punks, not gamers.)
These have more adult language and humor, so don't be shocked when you buy it for your 11 year old.

Conrad's Fate I've read before, but mostly tributed it's delicious cover. (Fits the feel and actual elements of the story in a great way.)

It's in the Chrestomanci Chronicles with Lives of Christopher Chant, Charmed Life, etc. I'm rereading them right now.
I love this one for the protagonist's admiration/irritation with the older Christopher (a nice complexity), for a setting with a lovely weirdness and depth, and for Christopher's season here of being less insecure, but having problems beyond his immediate power to fix.

book recs, randomly, con times, costuming

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