a bit ghoulish, but fascinating

Nov 14, 2008 11:05

Prologue: Procrastination

Watching a AMV of LotR footage, to the Nightwish song "End of All Hope" made me think--Yeah. I want to watch those again.
    I mean, I'm always up for it, but I've kept thinking of  trying and deciding it was too much bother for too long a movie to try and make time for.
I probably need to get onto reading that book to my sibs again, too. {Slacker.}
    (The AMV is really good, if you can stand that kind of thing. I think these are such a manifestation of the Noveau Geek culture. Go and see it!*)

Chapter One: New Book Love

This next book, Charade, is a more talky, thinky book than Silas Escapes. First of all, it involves a magician apprenticeship. Second of all, it involves a plot where the master is backward-talking to get his apprentice to stop all his attemps to obey the queen and kill Poisson. So yeah.
     the Diet we are on:
~ FullMetal Alchemist comics (I have rediscovered a love for these. Or, actually started liking them. Not sure.)
~ The Face in the Frost....I want to read that again
~ GothMetalAnthems: This is apparently getting hard rock soundtrack treatment. I tried to go from the classical out with the music on my computer, but it was just not working. So. Another morning poking around YouTube. {Lamest musical searcher EVAR, yes}*

Um. Is this novel trying to say something to me about the cozy intrigue image I had for it? As far as I know there will be no limb-rending, world-questing, or angst. Sometimes I work best with contrasting soundtracks, I dunno...

*I started with Evacuating London, went to Dream On (Aerosmith), the Nightwish song in search of the End themed soundtrack song for LotR, and who knows where it will go from there. Currently? Within Temptation's Pale, discovered courtesy Faramir/Eowyn AMV

crosspollenation, poisson, note to elf

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