Oct 11, 2008 21:30
I wish so badly my eyes were going to last a few seconds more, so I could write something productive tonight.
Being far too used to meetings, I wrote AND critiqued people who were reading last night, at the same time. I'd apologize, but I do that to bestselling/award-winning/good authors' published books, too. Besides. I have to take what I can get right now. (No offense.) This confession is my self-abnegation.
Things I have to do Monday other than writing (sadly, there will be no Poisson...) are Legion, but do not include being disenfranchised and critical of: Poets on critique forums, Young Adult/MG writers at NaNo, my own ability to walk away from demeaning situations, the course of the world, the sick state of humanity, or My Own Ability to Accrue Library Loans to Read and Return At Inopportune Times.
~ I am too tired to be making judgment calls on the worth of World Domination 101, but does that stop me?
[In Case You Were Wondering: the judgment call is wavering at "this stupid story is too flawed to be worth this"]
~ I have to repot baby dills, and put together hand-painted spindles to sell in the shop in the next 48 hours or it won't get done this week. [This is very sad to me.]
If I'm back Monday, know that I am not getting half of those Legion things done. Tomorrow the only thing on my agenda (I mean, besides sleeping like the dead until *sunrise*) is to become a good showman and run through a prototypical concert, but that relies on other things than my willpower alone, which is sadder than the likelihood of me selling spindles or dill plants this fall.