I feel like a real performer now: we played at a coffee shop and had strangers applaud our music. Some of it originals.
While I've performed a lot, it hasn't really been in a place where I was putting upon the public for notice, and it was kinda cool to do this. Of course, we had our groupies, too, most under the age of 16. It's great to be friends with homeschool families, they always triple the crowd, at their smallest. ^_^
I'm prouder about the fact that I forced myself to start again on Mortal Queen and was able to get back into the swing. I'm always afraid that once I've left something for a while it will never be right.
I've petitioned and taken a no-answer as a yes for writing more LotR fan-lyrics for the DunaDan to set to music. Right now I'm working on "Last Homely House" , a tribute to Elrond (see the post title...). If you've never taken a moment to check out our rock-infused fantasy ballads (LOL, as the netchicks and webdudes say), why not flick through our list at
Our Soundclick? I'd really appreciate feedback, because we want to grow and do more, better. Hey, you may even have fun getting in a laugh at us, and I'll NEVER KNOW.
The Greymantle Poets