first post with new name!
and it's a bit of thinky-downer-navel-gazing post, but you guys should see my DIARY right now.
I mean, the Artist's Way morning-pages diary. It is a mess, and not even a particularly hot one.
I am sick of thinking to myself "No one cares what you think."
I have all the good reasons to think this. I am white, middle-class, under 30. Female, single, no career.
Did I mention white?
Neither blonde nor brunette.
But mostly, I look young. I look monocultural. I don't have a degree in anything.
I am not fat enough to talk about being fat.
Not old enough to talk about feeling old.
Not poor enough to complain about money
not ugly enough, not oppressed enough, not anything more than anyone else.
This is kind of why I write fantasy books.
Because I can play an expert about people without being an expert about the world, and only my visible failure will make people question me.
But I'm not published yet, and so why should anyone listen to what I say about books, either?
It is driving me crazy to have things to say about any given topic and shut myself down for being this, what I am.
In other news, this post by Elizabeth Bear is important:
dumb all over, a little ugly on the side And this post by Aliette de Bodard is, too:
we're all the same deep down, "it's a matter of degree" (comments in both are worth perusing)
Probably, if you haven't, you should read
Step Into My Film School! on stereotypes, too, just as a think-about-stories-and-art way