The Luxery of Red by tonysadoval his gallery is full of treasures, if you like the mood of this one; found another old favorite that was by him in there! le ignoramus
I wish more magazines in the world had pretty art like this on their covers--it's disturbing enough to be okay for adults, isn't it?
I'm thinking of making November my NaNoReviseMo. I'm thinking about doing it with a manuscript that's been drawer-sitting for years, the novel I brought to the VP workshop, and then spent a year hammering at before giving up in disgust at my ability to revise it.
I know how, now.
And I'm done (almost) with the latest draft of Nemesis, which means waiting for the next round of betas, and trying not to kill myself over query pain. So why not? Writing Vigil is still piecemeal. I think it's not going to be very fluid at any near point in time, either.
This book seems to come in episodes, and I'm going to see if I can just work with it...
It could also be that the Nemesis bug isn't out of my head. This happened with Carnie's Conspiracy, too, I think, a slump in all other projects until I'd got it really revised and ready to go off and be spurned by agents...