The Taiwanese version was my gateway drama to the whole world of Asian dramas...because I loved the manga so much. :) My first J-drama was this one. And then I watched Coffee Prince and...heh. :)
If you haven't read the manga, though...YOU SHOULD.
(s'okay. I didn't make it that obvious: I think I must have posted about the manga itself long ago or something or I would have recommended it, too...)
See comment about drama Nakatsu vs. manga the context of the manga, Izumi is king, and Nakatsu is a little more annoying than anything, but I love a good girl-undercover-as-boy story, and that's how I found the dramas...
I'm hoping they haven't given up on doing one in Korea, and I hope they cast it decently, I like this story that much...
I hope so as well. When it comes to manga remakes, I tend to prefer the Korean versions. They seem to (more consistently) get the emotional pitch right. Plots can be all over the place, but...they seem to get it. And I bet they'd include some of the cheesy scenes that the other versions omitted (that I WANT TO SEE!!!!).
In a way I like that the Taiwanese shows seem to have enough time to borrow more of the actual plot material from manga (when they do that) but the Korean treatment certainly is always evocative, you're right.
I kind of like getting the Triad effect of watching the three different versions... Xp It is a horrible waste of my lifespan, I'm sure, but seeing stories altered just slightly and feeling so different intrigues me a lot!
The Taiwanese version was my gateway drama to the whole world of Asian dramas...because I loved the manga so much. :) My first J-drama was this one. And then I watched Coffee Prince and...heh. :)
If you haven't read the manga, though...YOU SHOULD.
See comment about drama Nakatsu vs. manga the context of the manga, Izumi is king, and Nakatsu is a little more annoying than anything, but I love a good girl-undercover-as-boy story, and that's how I found the dramas...
I'm hoping they haven't given up on doing one in Korea, and I hope they cast it decently, I like this story that much...
I kind of like getting the Triad effect of watching the three different versions... Xp It is a horrible waste of my lifespan, I'm sure, but seeing stories altered just slightly and feeling so different intrigues me a lot!
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