not sure when this deal goes through, but anachred lives on only in spirit, not in name.
hakusa-tegami, "letters on gossamer" blends (for me, in my head at least) the elements of Japanese culture, my fiber art, love of the delicacy contrasted with strength of cobwebs, and the literary component that is most important of all.
or 4649, as all my girlfriends would write on their little memo-notes, because those numbers can (sorta, kinda) be read that way in Japanese
As I said in a bio recently:
In some ways, I'm as WASP-American as people come. But I also lived in rural Japan from the ages of 13-17 as the only white teen female for several train stations in any direction.
PS, you don't really come back from a place like that. You return, but it's not the same thing.
While we're being uber-serious here, have a look at the latest in my shop:
tatara nightfall the semi-ugliness of this yarn means my challenge to capture the essence of Ashitaka in a yarn is still on.