Yesterday, I went to a gun show, played Lego Indiana Jones with a Nintendo-style controller (a first ever), beat the level, and made chicken stock.
Today just couldn't win with that kind of competition...
Day 27 of the Month of Images was next, many moons ago, and demands a glamor shot. My favorite is still this one I took of myself while traveling in Panama with my exchange sister:
Tonight I watched The Order of the Phoenix, which I actually found quite good, especially toward the end.
It was kind of startling at some points, though, when Daniel Radcliffe-as-Harry is holding forth, how much he looks like my brother, in the way he talks. Since they're both short, dark-haired, blue-eyed guys, one wonders... Welsh genes?
The randomness of this is brought to you by the desire to post something without having any burning passion to post a *specific* thing....
Oh. And I think I need to completely rewrite Vol 5 of Aolon, not just Vol 1. Which, being a NaNo vet, is 50,000 some words long! Sadly, I'm getting the feeling that if every volume, and every 200,000 of the words needed to be gone over to make this book presentable, I would need to do it. The stories in it are too important to me, I tried to give them up but I couldn't shake them...