Was finishing reading aloud Letters to My Nemesis with my sister when I discovered I never finished typing it in! I hadn't reread over the last pages, in result, though I clearly remembered the last few lines.
Ahaha, I like this book so much.
47595 is the final word-count, and I'm not sure even the part I want to add in is going to boost it up to a word-count I can round to 50,000...
eta: scene written. 48,000 on the money almost. Yes to rounding, but also yes to "desperate much?"
DAY 23
whatever you wanna post day:
I've actually commenced a Rouen Cathedral project of my own, taking photos of the sky every day if I remember, to work on my skill and just because the clouds are so beautiful here...no doubt I will eventually get bored of it, because who wants to see photos of the sky from an amateur
why did I not think of this before? Is this a perfect excuse to get a Tumblr account or what's the story?
I heart new blog-things. X]
there was something else I just know it.
But maybe that was K-drama blogging?
This is my Google-Game, Sherlock edition for dear
fabricalchemist ![](http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc314/TheAmazingLadyShoe/GIFs/duck-sherlock.gif)
I so love action scenes like this now I've taken care of my anxiety with the essential oils XD