Obsessive Book Lover's Month of Books - Day Fifteen

Oct 15, 2010 21:56

I was thinking about NaNo and wondering if it's particularly good for me, as a year-long novelist. I'm not very sure that it would be a good idea this year.
I've just recovered from a 2 year slump as far as novels go, and I don't need to rush right back in by doing something taxing.

I'm going to observe, but not with as vigorous a word-count goal--and I'm going to try and write a poem a day. Because I need to get some more practice doing this thing if I'm going to keep having semi-successful quests to publish them...

So be my buddies, anyone who's doing it this year! Forgive me for lessening my achievements. 9_9

Day 15

How about *hates* along the lines of romantic interest?

Let's see...

MANIPULATIVE? I ha~te that, especially when the guy or girl goes along with it, or is oblivious though it's pretty clear that's what's going on.
Scary jealousy puts me off, too--jealousy is natural, rage because of minor incidents causing jealousy is very, very frightening, even if the character's not frightened.

Someone who's only discernible personality is their good looks. This makes them look retarded in my mind, because being attractive with no personality is being handicapped. Unless they happen to be fae, and that's why they have no personality. Or something equally scary and hive-minded. WAIT that's still scary in the romantic interest...

NOW. If the one person is tricking the other for a reason, this is not what I mean by manipulation.
But if the hero's feelings for the other person are being used by that person, that is what I EXTRASPECIAL mean by manipulative.

And I have run out of words, never mind eloquence. Good night!

booktalk, month of books, writestuff

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