Obsessive Book Lover's Month of Books

Oct 01, 2010 14:53

I've had a few friends do the "month of books" meme going around, and express frustration at the fact that it became repetitive as they kept having their favorites brought to mind, and the questions were a bit simplistic.


I thought it would be fun to try and draw up one angled toward bringing different kinds of books to mind.
Also, not implying that there is only one good answer.
I'm doing it for October, and I'll be testing it out to see if it's accomplishing it's purpose--any feedback would be welcome!

The Obsessive Book Lover's Month of Books Meme

Salient Points: 1) there are no demands for singular answers, 2) they are questions that don't bring all your favorite books to mind at once, causing bibliophiliac distress and mental implosion, 3) I think they'll be fun!

Day 1

Tell us about the first three things you come up with when asked the painful “What's your favorite book?” question.

(Obsessive Book Lover Friendly Version to teach your friends: “What book are you enchanted with recently?”)

Day 2

What characters did you read about and think, “Oh, I know what you mean”? Characters you feel you are like, inside.

Day 3

What books are the first you remember being read?

Day 4

What books are the first you remember reading for yourself?

Day 5

What books do you reach for on days when you're feeling miserable and ill?

Day 6

What books lift your mood when you don't want to talk to people?

Day 7

Make a mini-list of books that show cases your reading at its most eclectic (up to 5)

Day 8

Make a mini-list of the latest books you remember loving or at least liking (keep it to in the last year or so, or this could take all night)

Day 9

Make a mini-list of things you have pre-ordered (at the store OR library) or at least bought fresh off the presses. If N/A, why?

Day 10

Tell about your policy for asking to borrow books-are you a shameless mooch, tasteful alluder, or some other style? (Stand-and-ignore-your-host in-house reader and conscienceless temporary larcenist are two other common style-some of us use varying styles with different sorts of acquaintance, so by all means detail it out!)

Day 11

Have you found a reading soulmate? Describe why someone would be yours.

Day 12

Talk about a book or a few that made you go out and shamelessly foist it/them on all your reading friends. Moreso than usual.

Day 13

What type of character particularly draws you into their story?

Day 14

What type of character do you most like as a romantic interest in a story?

Day 15

How about *hates* along the lines of romantic interest?

Day 16

Any villains you think are too lame?

Day 17

Villains you think are awesome?

Day 18

What books have you read where you didn't expect to like them, and then were surprised?

Day 19

How about books you changed your opinion about (for better or worse) when you read them a second time?

Day 20

So spill...what do you read when you're in a junk-food mood?

Day 21

What books seem like spring books to you?

Day 22

How about summer books?

Day 23

Autumn books would be?

Day 24

And winter is the best time for books (unless they have too much ice in them), so what kind say winter to you?

Day 25

What authors do you most wish to have bring out a new book, right now? (Dead or alive, keep it down to five!)

Day 26

At this point no doubt you've been provoked to think of other books in answer to some of the earlier questions. FreeStyle Space! (Borrow this question again if your month has 31 days, and you're keeping track of that sort of thing.)

Day 27

If a book, with it's tone, dialogue, characters, setting, were to be a life you would chose, which would it be? Include the bad spots and why you'd chose those. This could be revealing...

Day 28

Is there a book that inspired you to try something new, or look at certain kinds of people a different way? Or perhaps their profession?

Day 29

It is time to write a love-letter to an author. If you write to more than one, keep it to 3 or so, and make your words count-mini-essay time!

Day 30

What are you reading right now? What are you thinking of it?

Merry End of this Meme!

tag you're it, booktalk, month of books, meme

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