Pretty, and a Little Weird

Sep 22, 2010 11:55

Moment by Crannibal

I love the framing of this, almost like a Japanese landscape with it's oblong tapestry-length, but then the actual subjects being much more like watercolored Maurice Sendak characters.

wildr by Kunisaki

I think I palettes may be the most important thing to me visually. I identify era by colors first, and textures next. Actual shape comes last.

So these pictures feel like classic children's books, but with more pleasing style than these colors usually  were used in. The next two are less like storybook pictures, but instead like they would belong in the Datlow/Windling retellings as recalling both the fairytale collections for children, but taking them in more mature directions.

Unforget by lone_momo

I'll be your scapegoat by Derrewyn

I've been very drawn to this kind of muted palette that is far from boring, but instead quiet and striking.

craftsy, deviant feature, fanstuff, crosspollenation

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