Letters to My Nemesis: careering into an ending

Sep 13, 2010 15:33

After I got past the claustrophobia of the POV of this book (epistolic in blogs to public, friends-only, or private filter) it's been a blast.

For example: practicing magic in an abandoned city car garage.

“I'm going to smoke your sorry skin,” [Jet] said. “You've refused to develop your power and now you're going to have to pay.”

“Devil! You not going easy on me, to get even for losing the last two matches?”

“More like, I'm being hard on you so there's a chance I'll lose a third.”

“That sounds like a stupid move on your part.”

He smiled and folded down to a crouch. He started making some sketchy picture in the sand on the floor.

“Unless I want you to also be magelord of Melody.” He stood up. “And I do.”

While I was still feeling touched, he clapped lightly. Twice, so at first I thought it was just applause for this idea of a new Melody magelord.

Then I was rolling as I fell, the whole world having shifted so I was no longer standing on a floor.

“You've got the advantage of knowing how to fall,” he allowed as I scrambled to my feet. “And excellent reflexes. Athleticism.”

“Now you're just showing off,” I grumbled, picking gravel out of my palms.

“Let me do that again, more slowly. I didn't just throw you-I changed the sensation of gravity for both of us. Just the sensation, by affecting the neurological centers. So I was anticipating it, and didn't fall. Let's see if you can. Same direction, and go...”

This time I just stumbled. When he stopped I said, “'Kay, you're a freakshow. Isn't it crazy scary that you can mess with my mind?”

“I find it scary. Not all mages can, or learn to, anyway. So that's something you're got to worry about for yourself, too. Whether...you might be doing it by accident, sometimes.”

He sounded unlike “Jet” just then. A little defeated and sad. It made me feel sweet about him, which lasted approximately twelve second before the rain started pelting straight from the side, through the nearest window and into my clothes. I don't even know what I did, but it didn't work. Water was in my eyes, nose, ears, into my mouth and down my collar...

“Okay, stop!” I said.

I guess where your magic is inadequate, willpower can be useful. He stopped immediately, before he could have decided to.

“So your intuitive defense works when you feel real danger, then. Because I have no doubt you could stop those if they were a threat to a life.”

“Yeah. I work pretty good in emergency mod, it's normal life I'm useless for. I'm drenched, Jet. I notice you didn't have to join me in this one. Bast-cough. So yeah.”


The beginning apparently needs to be expanded by 50%, and it's going to be a trick doing that, but at least I know where the word-count padding will come in.

Also, Batman.

batman by anima-parilis

ss kage, letters to my nemesis, batman

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