Um, what?

Dec 30, 2012 06:19

Allow me to do the math for you.

2941 - 2931 = 10


So if Aragorn was born in 2931, and Bilbo left the Shire following the dwarves in 2941, it follows that Aragorn was 9-10 when Thorin & Co. passed through Rivendell, yes? So why in hell would you inform me that YOU did the math and Aragorn was 27 when they passed through???

Where did you learn math ferfucksake?? Because that's basic addition and subtraction. And the dates are right there in the appendices.

Oh, wait, are you ONLY using FOTR (the film) for your 'dates' and ignoring all the years that passed between the farewell party and Frodo leaving the Shire? Because if you are, I'm going to give you such a virtual smackdown, complete with dates, that you'll run crying to your mama.


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