In regards to viewing Inception again...
idiosyncratic: After seeing it again, is it wrong to want a comm that's strictly for any/all combos of Eames/Arthur/Ariadne?
azewewish: No? But as a massive Saito fan, I want him involved. With Fischer. *g* Or Eames. I'm not picky.
idiosyncratic: That's what the main comm is for. *g*
azewewish: There is a SAD dearth of Saito and Fischer fic, though. And, frankly, I found Fischer's character arc to be the most intriguing. And I'm not even attracted to Cillian.
idiosyncratic: Oh, I agree! But seriously. Het! Of course, I'd read it all. *g*
azewewish: I'm all about the het. And Cobb/Mal and Cobb/Mal/Arthur. *g*
idiosyncratic: Arthur's the little black dress of the fandom. *g*
azewewish: As well he should be.