Omg, my weekend, she is GONE. This is a very sad state of affairs, lemme tell you. *le sigh* In all honesty, I need 2 more days to recuperate.
Friday: Stayed at home doing a whole lot of nothing except watching Friday Night Lights. My life is so exciting, yo.
Saturday: Okay, things picked up a bit. Got a teensy bit of writing done, then went clothes shopping. After that, it was off to Basix to meet up with the hookers for
sabrinagb's birthday dinner. Yummy food, some pretty awesome drinks, and some lovely conversation - including comparisons of the last time various members of the group were involved in non-solo sexual activities. Why, yes, we DO compare that. *g*
Sunday - Oh. My. God. Started out meeting up with
technosage and
moonmelody at El Guapo for brunch. Being from AZ, they were there way early and scolded us via text when they realized there'd been a time change. Um, oops?
coolwhipdiva then showed up, followed by
soylahtayplease, and there was much drinking and hooting over the various football games on the TVs.
coolwhipdiva bailed to nap and
sabrinagb showed up to join us, and then it was the Pats vs. the Colts. There was a LOT of nail biting and yelling at the TVs and praying for relief from the ulcer I could just feel forming. However, the Pats pulled it out (as I thought they would *before* the game started) and kudos to Captain Hotass sending a big "Fuck You" to the Colts & the refs for the EXTREMELY lopsided officiated during the game by taking a knee for the last 3 plays of the game. 9-0, baby! The Seahawks lost, to the Browns, wtf. Ah well, at least Matt played a good game.
Still Sunday: The group split up after the game, and myself,
moonmelody, and
sabrinagb headed off on a shopping trip for cute tops. Several were found, then it was off to get ready before heading up to L'Scorpion to meet up with the rest of the hookers to enjoy a night of good music, fun times, and probably too much alcohol. Corey was much better than usual (I think lack of practice is to blame *g*), Jason was Jason, Steve was pretty awesome, and Alligator Dave was hysterically raunchy. And I have to agree with
azewewish that it's good to have Riley back in town and playing gigs again, even if he is fucking off to England with Jason for a bit. Oh, well, it was adorable to have him beg for the pictures I'd been taking all night. And yes, the highlights of the night were the reactions to my Pats jersey (a Captain Hotass one, thank you very much) when Corey walked in ("That's not even funny!") and when John showed up later on ("I'm not talking to you."), followed by Corey promising that if there were bouncers, I'd be the first one thrown out. *g* There was figurative kissing & making up at the end of the night, and it was all in good fun. :) Yes, there were tons of pictures taken, and yes, they will be posted (seeing as how I promised Riley, Steve, Jason, AND Corey that they'd all get copies of theirs), but don't look for them today. I'm too exhausted to even think about that.
And, um, I don't know if it was the alcohol or maybe I'm actually trying to get sick or what, but there was a rather detailed dream involving Steve and Riley of all people. The fuck, man?
Now, however, my voice is SHOT. Gone, bye bye, nada. If I talk much above a whisper, half my words vanish as my voice cracks. It's NOT a good thing, yo. And I'm tired as hell from not getting home 'til 2ish and then having to get up for work. Omg. *snoozes* Luckily, today is shaping up to be SLOW.
And yes, since it's Monday, I come bearing spam. *g* Enjoy!
Conquer your uncertainty about your male power! - Conquer it, y'all! Empower yourself! It's all about the penis empowerment! Or a pump, whichever works best for you.
Don't give in, fight for your manliness! - Fight for your manliness or be called a pussy. And you don't want that, now do you?
Let her flower blossom with passion - Omg, bad Harlequin writers have infiltrated my spam!
Turn your trouser mouse into a one-eyed giant - TROUSER MOUSE!!!! I swear, the only thing I have to say about this one is that I almost snorted coffee through my nose when I saw it this morning.
November 74% OFF - Clearly, someone is selling the year off wholesale and I missed the memo. Damn it. I hate when that happens.
Beat her womb with your new big rod, so that she knows who wears the pants - *hands* I have no words. Seriously? SERIOUSLY??
Make him dance - Only if he dances better than Steve Carlson. ;)
Be leaner and slimmer by next week - I've heard binging & purging will do that for you. Good luck with that. Hope it works out for you.
Bigger is Better - Better than what? Better than experience? Enthusiasm? Could we be a little more specific?
World of Leather - *listens to whip crack* S&M by 2 Live Crew is now running through my head. S&M, bring your dick sucking friends... Btw, this one came courtesy of Yeah, I know, right?
all jokes aside, yeah you do got a tiny cock - I love this one for the sheer honesty in it. You don't see that often, man. It's rather refreshing.