So it’s Thursday and season 3 of Supernatural starts tonight. Um, yaye? Sorry, but I feel like I should be more excited about it than I am. And now, thanks to my flist (which I thought I could f’n TRUST), I now know the title of tonight’s episode in addition to knowing the 3rd episode title. For the love of god, people, WHY WOULD YOU USE THE TITLE EPISODE FOR YOUR GODDAMN CUT TAG?!?! Yes, this would be my face of annoyance this morning.
Thanks for that.
Do the world a favor? Put ALL that shit UNDER the cut, m'kay.
Now on to other things. I promised this last night and even though my day started off spectacularly crappy, I’m going to do it anyway. So yeah, the rest of the post under the cut, because it may be long.
Okay, I don’t want to accuse people on my flist of smoking crack, but…well… Can someone PLEASE tell me what the appeal of Pushing Daisies is?? Seriously, I’ve never been so annoyed in all my life as I was for the hour I wasted on that piece of crap last night.
The good things? There were some very witty one-liners (“That’s how I roll”; “Bitch, I was in proximity!”) and the black guy was hysterical. And, um…well…okay, hold up, I’m trying to think of more good things. Oh, that’s right. There weren’t any.
The bad things? Oh, where to start? For real. The damn narrator. He sounded like he should be in a Dr. Seuss cartoon and really…did we NEED him to talk for the entire episode?! That got annoying 5 minutes in and it just. Kept. Going. Now, mind you, I don’t normally MIND voice overs. In small doses, they work well (Brenda will disagree with me on this, but hey). However, telling me every. Single. Thing. That’s. Happening? That took exposition fairy to a whole new level. Whoever came up with that idea should be eviscerated with a dull butter knife.
Getting back to the cartoon aspect, the oversaturation of the colors and the fakeness of the sets made my eyes bleed. The last time I saw something that clashing and jarring was the screening of The Cat in the Hat, and that movie SUCKED. Also, I don’t like being beat over the head, anvil-like, with the cuteness and sugary sweetness of it all. 95% of the writing was crap, and the show tried to hard. It kept screaming “Love me, I’m cute! I’m quirky and off the wall!! Look at how kooky I am!!” Yeah, well…not so much. Definitely crossing it off my list of must watch TV.
cupiscent tagged me for this one, so I’ll play along.
List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
Bleed It Out by Linkin Park - No big secret that I’m a Linkin Park fan. Or it shouldn’t be, anyway. This one almost lost out to “Shadow of the Day” but I opted to not go with the first single off the CD.
Long Road To Ruin by the Foo Fighters - Off the new CD and the first time I heard it was at the show last week. I fell in love with it then, and the studio version pretty much cemented that. No, it’s not the strongest song off the CD, but it may end up being my favorite in the long run.
What It’s Like by Everlast - Not new, and not someone I’m sure most of you will recognize, but I love his stuff and this has been one of my favorite songs for years. It still amazes me that it got radio play without them bleeping the line “They call her a killer and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore.”
Miss You by Scott Thomas - Oh, Scott. Where do I even begin to list my love for this man. He’s the frontman for Ringside, and they actually did this song on their CD, but this version is off his solo CD and, in my opinion, is a stronger, better version. I get chills when we can convince him to play it live.
Mickey by Tofog - It’s not often that a song makes me really stop and think, but this one does. And it’s by Russell Crowe of all people. (HUSH, Brenda!) “If god asked me too, I'd do it all again. I wouldn’t long for something else, or change a single thing. You can't eat your pride, or cleanse your soul of what is you. I’d rather regret the things I've done, than the things I didn't do.”
Nothing In Return (Walk Away) by Down - Oh, man. My love for Philip Anselmo goes way back to 1990 when the Cowboys From Hell CD came out. His voice is a gift from God, man, and it makes me shiver every time he growls. The only problem with this song is that it’s just one of MANY good songs Philip’s done (either with Pantera or with Down), so I had a damn hard time choosing!
Mother (Remix) by Danzig - Ha! Yet another one I’ve had a long love affair with. This song is just so damn awesome, as is Glenn Danzig and his wee little self. Y’all think Chris Kane is wee with a Napoleon complex? *snorts* Y’all ain’t seen NOTHING. But damn, Glenn’s got a set of pipes on him.
I tag...hell, anyone who wants to do it. I'm always interested in what y'all are listening to at any given time. :)
And now I’m throwing in 3 extras just because I can. *g*
Stop This Train by John Mayer - For all the Mayer haters out there, just STFU and step off. I like the boy and his quirky sounding voice.
I Don’t Want To Know by Steve Carlson - Honestly? This song breaks my damn heart every time I hear it. No clue where Steve was coming from when he wrote it or what was going on in his head, but I’ve been the person who didn’t want to know. And yet I still love this song. It’s beautiful.
Extra Pale by the Goo Goo Dolls - Just a bit of fun, really. *g*
Today is looking to be a slow day at work. I have coffee, nice smelling perfume (OMG, whyfor did no one tell me that BPAL’s La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente smelled so damn good?!?), and a rather Zen state of mind at the moment. I want to write. Problem is…I have several ideas all clamoring at once - namely the Justin/Orlando, November Rain, Endgame, and Moonlight in Mobile. All of this means that I’ll most likely get nothing written today. *grrr*