Omg, I need a caffeine IV this morning. *headdesk*
Last night? SO worth it, though. Ended up on the barricade right in front of Chris, and we were about 3 feet from the stage, so the view all night was beautiful.
I'm doing in this in bullet points as I'm nowhere near coherent enough to do a 'real' recap.
- Dave is seriously of teh hot. He was smokin' last night and just JESUS! *nguh*
- They played a bunch of songs off the new CD and they all rocked. "Pretender" sounded even better during the show than it did during soundcheck. *g*
- The old songs, as always, were fantastic, and I'm in love with the psuedo mash-up they did of the acoustic and CD versions of "Everlong". "Best of You" was the last song of the night and pretty much brought the house down.
- They played "Holiday in Cambodia" and dragged Dave's guitar tech onstage to sing it. He resisted at first and then was more into it than the band. *g*
- LEMMY!!! Lemmy was apparently free last night and agreed, via text messages with Dave, to "come down for a drink" - which is, apparently, code for "we're going to call you up on stage and do a Motorhead song." It was awesome, as only Lemmy backed by the Foos could be. Lemmy, however, seems to be smuggling a full-grown armadillo. It was extremely disturbing.
- After Dave went all secretive and whispered to each guy, there was a round of "Do you remember how it goes?" which prompted Taylor to look at Dave and go "Do you remember how it goes??" This resulted in them playing "Darling Nikki"...yes, Prince's song. \o/
- Did I mention that Dave was incredibly smokin' hot last night? He was.
- Taylor did a 5 second impersonation of Eddie Veder, which amused Dave.
azewewish and I agreed later that Steve's was better.
- During the drum solo, Taylor would NOT look away from Dave. And Dave watched him the whole time with this big ass grin on his face. There were also many other soulful looks between the two of them that amused us. Their love is so OTP. *g*
- Dave said that he didn't know when they'd be back, but he asked if we'd all come see them because that would be "rad". The fact that he was grinning and looked amazingly like a serial killer when he said that was a little creepy. He was still hot.
- Taylor had on the ugliest shorts in the history of ever. They were multi-colored argyle patterned board shorts. And he paired them with tube socks. Good thing he was behind the drum kit all night.
- There might have been a little squeeing over Chris and his short, hot, tattooed self on guitar. But just a little. ;)
- The violin solo rocked.
- Dave forgot part of the lyrics to "D.O.A." which prompted us to giggle about the fact that it's not just Steve. Hee!
azewewish and I both ended up with guitar pics from Dave. Hers says Peace and mine says Grace.
- I can't even begin to tell you just how amazingly, incredibly, smokin' hot Dave was last night. Dressed all in black, with a cross on a leather choker and hair in his face and dripping with sweat. *flails*
And now I'm going to go be completely ineffective today and most likely get nothing done. There is a viewing of Reservation Road tonight, followed by (possibly, for me at least) Steve at the Hotel Cafe. I'm going to be dead for the rest of the week.