Virgin for sale

Jul 06, 2007 02:42

Who will buy my sweet red*? Seems a girl in New Zealand sold her de-florination for $25,000.

I'm not going to throw any stones her way just in that my first time kind of sucked - $25,000 would have made it suck quite a bit less. My ire is directed toward whoever had $25,000 sitting around and decided this was a decent way to spend it. I mean...she's a virgin. She's not going to be very good at it. If I was going to spend 25 large on sex I'd get 5 $700 a night call-girls and rent them for a week. And a midgit.

Who rides a sheep and wears chaps.

* I'm referencing "Oliver" in case you didn't pick up on it.

BTW - MySpace is the biggest crap that ever crapped. I've been trying to post a blog for 3 days and...nothing. I just get an error and the message that they're alerting their tech group.

Fie on you, Rupert Murdoch!


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