Jan 04, 2008 21:54
I'm going out driving tomorrow, with my Grandad, in my car.
This will be the first time I've driven in 3 years, at least.
But besides that. Durr hurr, guess what I'm downloading again? Planning on a binge read.
That's right, the Naruto manga.
I'm only 100-ish chapters behind. ^^;
This will be less daunting then when I read all 260-ish chapters in two days last time.
And that is my story. Still impaitiently waiting for my student loans to deposit. Hopefully before the 15th, as I'm getting my hair done that day. ^^; Well, really, hopefully before that, since I have textbooks to buy and bills to pay. Ha ha, dead.
Back to WoW. Or Hikaru no Go fics, I can't decide.
Why do I keep deciding to relive 2002-2003 vicariously through fandom? In fandoms I wasn't even part of?
Not like I'd want to relive my days in the Weiss Kreuz fandom though...
Yes, this is it, I'm done the post, good bye
HAHA I want to watch this movie again.