Sep 14, 2007 18:50
'oh you evil bastards' the only thought that comes to mind at the smallest torture
4 hours later,
quite a pain full reminder of home,
hospital grade bags cover the floor
amongst other things,
missing my "family" more than ever
I always wanted to return home
but I didn't want this,
funny how things work
how can I read you yet in the same breath you completely baffle me
pleasant strangers are always a pleasant surprise
can't you feel the electric shock?
my head aching for sleep and my body soon to follow
wishing for that goodbye
recalling the nausea pumping through my skull
followed by the churning of everything you know
and then out lies your deepest fears for the world to see
penny if you can guess mine,
in the end all your left with is the constant shaking moving through your body with tears in your eyes from that choking feeling as your own body rebels against you
didn't anyone tell you heat rises,