me friends.. lol.`

Jan 02, 2005 03:50

Friends I <3:

1. MEGAN! Duh. - For... being a total dork w/me, walking outside in the rain with me after getting kicked out of Nick's house, for annoying our "sexy kinda" friend, making out with me in the movie theatres (haha), getting back togethe with me (wink, wink), & making fun of everyone and their mothers.

2. Ashly aka Roger - For... driving around with me and being emo by passing by stupid boys house's, getting me in trouble that one night where my mom yelled at me even though it was effing hilarous, being a wicked drunkie, going crazy (what the fuck, bad mamma jamma!), and making me watch Sex & the City like 24/7.

3. Erin - For.. being in my slow-motion, air instrument band, being retarded with me all the time, for passing by Abry while walking home from the Cherry Festival, calling Matt and mocking him hahaha, for giving me effing dead legs (always), & being in the moshpit with me when Franz Ferdinand was playing.

4. Matt aka Peaches - For.. not remembering anything I'm about to put in, for laying on the sidewalk with me & looking at the stars and making fun of me when the one I liked was a plane, for biting my finger on the same night and asking me why i said "ow" and when i said "You bit me, hello?" and starting makin fun of me for like 3 days, for having a turtle I supposedly murdered, for pretending to be interested in the things I say even when I know you really aren't, & for being mine & Megan's "sexy kinda" friend, OH and for hiding Ray in the garbage can to scare me and megan.

5. Ryan - For.. being the nicest one out of all them dudes i hang out with, for letting me barrow his sweater when I was HELLA COLD, for telling Sal that we had the same shirt on and making him turn around and say "Fuck you" to me, for creeping me out & talkin to my little brother, for letting me listen to "Dream lover" remade by the misfits in line @ burger king.

6. Carlos - For.. telling me I had pretty eyes (the only person who thought that), for being my friend before? haha. Yeah oh well i still love him.

7. Mr. Big Head - For.. watching Napoleon Dynamite with me, for cuddling outside with me when it was dark & cold, being really stupid, for letting me and megan in the house and then kicking us out in the rain haha, for telling me i had a gay emo song on my voicemail, for calling back again after
i changed it and telling me that THAT song was gay too, for kissing my boo boo's better during PE, and for having a huge head.

8. Brandon - For... bringing me prettyful flowers (awe), for being the only one who called me on Christmas and actually wish me a merry christmas, for going to the Warped tour with me & the whole gang, being a freak (freaks r us), for being there when Erin, Ashly or I am sad, for being a great friend.

9. Spanky - For.. not really being my actual friend, for telling me during class that i'm depressed and that I should shoot myself haha, for threatening me and telling me that you're goin to tell Kevin that I like him when I really don't (but nice try), watching Napoleon dynamite with me and Nick, For listening to "Sally that girl", for calling one of my favorite bands (my ruin), heroine music.

10. Dennis - For... wishing me a happy hanukka even when I'm not Jewish, for trying to get me to smoke or drink because you think it might be funny how i act, for always asking for money.

11. Jeff - For.. havin me and Megan wait for you in the effing cold, for lending me your jacket, for showing me and Megan where Carlos lives? haha, for havin almost NAKIE pictures of chicks on your wall (oh well you're a
guy), for letting megan ALMOST shoot you five times with a paintball gun, for making fun of megan with me and calling her bulimic, haha.

12. Ray - For.. being in a garbage can (haha i know you really weren't in one its just a inside joke between me & Megan), for being nice to me ALWAYS, for askin for gum when i sat next to you in humanities class & always getting it taken away because you used to chew in front of Ms. St. John and askin for another piece of gum.

13. Michael - For.. being hilarious, for letting me talkto your grandpa on the phone hahaha.

Okay, sorry if you're not on here. just remind me.. and ill be glad to add you. :)
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