Aaaah! RAID!!!

Jul 17, 2004 23:24

I just killed a roach.

Nasty, foul, horrible little bug. My mother, God bless her, could not kill one to save her life. She has this horrible fear of them and runs fleeing to find my dad or myself whenever there is one in our house. I don't understand this fear. Roaches are small, much smaller than even a very small infant sized human, yet fully grown adults scream in terror and run away or cower from these insects. I realise they are disgusting to look at and sometimes carry germs and/or diseases that are undesireable, but really, all in all, they are no worse than a housefly. Granted, I'm not fond of them being in my house (neither do I welcome houseflies or other such pests) but you will not find me shrieking when one crosses my path. Yes, they make me cringe a little bit simply because they are icky and if one happens to catch my gaze unaware I might audibly gasp, but I will not shrink from killing one. Houseshoes, regular shoes, wadded up paper towels, a sufficient wad of kleenex, flyswatter, paper towel roll, rolled up newspaper, or an aerosol can of Raid (TM) are the weapons in my arsenal. Just kill the silly bug and be done with it. Sure, they're quick sometimes and will get away from you by slipping between a crack near the floorboards or a tiny hole in a corner somewhere, but eventually, they'll come roaming again and you just might get lucky.

Sheer size is an asset to humans winning this bug war, but smarts are on our side too. I mean, if someone was trying to kill you and you knew where they lived, wouldn't you get out of dodge? I know I would. Roaches and other insects just don't get it. They lack the intellect to understand this fundamental concept of survival. Why else do roach motels and bug sprays work? If they were smart enough to understand that if you return to the place where they want you dead you might die, then there's no way they'd stray into an area laced with bug spray or wander into a roach motel looking for love. So why on earth are there some humans who are afraid of this small bug? Some get to be close to saucer size, but that is still incredibly smaller than a human being.

While we're on the subject of bugs and bug killing, I have a question for all those who read my journal. How do you kill bugs? The reason I ask this is because I have a friend who has a rather inhumane method of killing them which involves a Mason jar and suffocation. I prefer the "smack the crap out of 'em" method. My father is a bug spray man as was his father before him, although he's not too good to pick up the closest shoe and bring the smack down. Again, my mother's employs the "spy it, eek!, and find another human who is willing to kill said bug" method. So what's your poison?
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