for lightening the burden and unforseen consequnces

Jan 27, 2009 05:09

for the matters i dont know its always been quite uneasy to catch up with my thoughts the way tight i need. you think you know the situation, you think youve interrogated everything and yet this feeling doesnt leave you. the feeling of emptiness. you meet people and they say things. cruel sometimes but righteous and clever enough to unfold your befuddledness.

this is endeavour. endless and unforsaken.
i despise being arrogant, i know theres no use. but when it just rips my flesh apart and gets out to see the outer world it intimidates me hard. i want someone to stop me from such state for i dont know what im doing and cant seem to control. but what happens once stopped? down and sick. and it happens no matter what.

and then it gets to addiction.
the more it hurts the addiction is broken. i know, ive been through that, but no one wills to listen cause its just the path we choose.

should there be any complex all the things are piled?

ah yea, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
sure it should be the way it is said, souldnt it?
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