Nearly a year since I last posted in my journal. Doesn't time fly... whether or not you are having fun?
Parts of the past year have been definitely Not Fun. And parts of it have been Brilliant Fun. Either way I have still been writing fic, albeit sometimes at a glacially slow pace. My thanks to my few but dedicated readers for being such very patient people!
I am quite proud that I did just about manage to scrape through this year's
ninth_eagle challenge with four rather last-minute entries:
The Finishing Touch,
Bright Wings,
An Unlit Lamp, and
Another Cage. Mostly somewhat fluffy and smut-deficient, but at least they're words. And the first one was something I'd been vaguely meaning to write for ages, so I was pleased to find a prompt that I could fit it into.
Meanwhile poor Arthur and Kai have been suffering a long drought, but they are now speaking to me again so maybe there will soon be... well, not exactly a flood, but a trickle at least..