Dec 31, 2010 22:38
... if I say that I write fiction.
Although quite a few of my family will very probably do so if they ever find out exactly what sort of fiction.
But that is their problem.
*checks through the window*
Yup, sky's still there. So far so good.
Resolution for 2011: turn this journal into a proper journal. A record of something. Personal journey, that kind of thing. Even if it's only a bit of pointless navel-gazing here and there. Maybe some insight into how this writing lark works. How-did-I-get-here stuff. Early influences. Odd combinations that work for me. Why I do this. Blah blah blah. Of no interest to anybody else.
I just have this feeling that if I collect enough of the bits together, there might be a good story hiding in there somewhere...