Lemme Clear My throat before i say this
From the moment we bacame friends until this very day, i have never learned so much from someone. You are one of the most special people in my life and i'd wish u wouldnt take it for granted, because i never do. Though when we get drunk sometimes
and we get crazy
and crazy stuff happens
it doesnt matter because all the fun and good times we've had together either laughing or dancing like morons
outweighs all the bad. I've seen you go from boy to man in the past year and i couldnt be prouder. it's something that makes me happy
and thrills me (lawl) to watch. I hope u know that i plan on having you as one of my best friends forever. I told you this a year ago in ur birthday message and i will tell you again. Even though your life is not incredibly dramatic, i don't want you to ever feel like or reach a point in which u feel as though u have no one in the world who truly cares. I know personally that though one can have hundreds of friends in the world, only VERY few stay true and close to you, sometimes only one, in that time of need. so if the world is ever getting to be too much i want you to say fuck you world
because Jor-el cares. i will always be around no matter how many thousands of miles away or inches close. So don't be anti and stay in touch with me
because our lives are intertwined and only we understand each other in ways others don't understand us. And that's the premise of long lasting and good friendship. So Happy 18th birthday, it's so odd to know ur 18 because that means ur grown up status. So from me to you a great big hug and kiss
. Can't wait to see u in the summer and have more good jamming blasting american life and doin the rap
love ya,
Mrs. Ritchie
Madonna Jr
Cho Chief