Mar 18, 2003 16:32
Attention Mr. President,
We all know you wanna live out your Daddys dream of Middle Eastern Conquest, but consider the following:
Literally, hundereds of tons of illegal narcotics are smuggled into this nation across the Mexican and Canadian borders.
Ports in every major coastal city from San Francisco to Miami to New York to Boston recieve massive amounts of drugs, unwittingly, onto their loading docks.
If cartels can smuggle in massive amounts of drugs on a daily basis, don't ya think a terrorist would have no trouble smuggling in a nuetron bomb and detonating it in one of our heavily populated coastal cities ?
So why are going to spend a trillion dollars going to war with Iraq when we would need only spend half that amount beefing up homeland security, thereby making NYC and other major targets a bit safer from inside nuclear or biological attack AND creating thousands of security and law enforcement jobs in the process which would in turn prevent our country from sinking into a full blown reccession.