Farewell, Ides of April ...

Mar 15, 2014 16:40

... for it's time to ring in a new challenge, with the Ides of May!

The date change is occurring for two major reasons: First, because the Ides of May better resembles the Ides of March in terms of sound, and thus may be easier to remember, and second, because (unlike April, which has its Ides on the 13th) May has an Ides that falls on the 15th of the month.

Sign-ups for the Ides of May will also be occurring through AO3, which will allow participants who are familiar with Yuletide's sign-up process to participate a bit more easily and which will eliminate some of the stress of anonymity and reveals.

The rules and dates to remember are all listed on the community profile--I invite you all to join us for the return of one of my favorite fic exchanges!


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