A very short fic, just to get us going...

Mar 19, 2012 15:55

Title: Cleopatra Liked Octavia

Play/Poem: Antony and Cleopatra

Author: elviaprose

Recipient: acrossthefloorsRating: PG ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

acrossthefloors March 20 2012, 10:49:58 UTC
Oh my. This is lovely -- lyrical and understated and elegant -- and your Octavia is wonderful, always caught up in something she doesn't quite understand. I love her uncertainty, and I love Cleopatra's opacity; her intentions are never quite made clear and it works so very well. Thank you! This was a delight to receive and to read.


elviaprose March 24 2012, 02:09:38 UTC
What a nice comment! I'm so glad you liked it!


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