Deadline Reminder; Possible Change of Plans

Mar 15, 2012 10:32

Hello, everyone! It is now the Ides of March, which means that you have nine and a half hours to sign up for this year's ides_of_april. For more information on how to sign up, please see our welcome post. Between 8:00 tonight and tomorrow morning, your mods will e-mail you your prompts.


Thus far, we've only had one sign-up; if we don't get at least two more sign-ups by the end of the evening, then we won't have a viable exchange this year. If that happens, would you feel comfortable with a non-exchange-based format? A kind of ongoing Madness round, where all prompts are available for all comers, there are no limitations on wordcount, and all fics can be posted to the community between now and the Ides of April? All feedback is encouraged!


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