Welcome, Premise, Dates to Remember, and FAQ

Feb 21, 2011 19:46

It's that time of year again! Welcome to ides_of_april! This is a yearly Shakespeare fanfic exchange, focused on Shakespeare's Greek and Roman plays and poems.

Premise and GuidelinesThe premise of this fic exchange is that each participant receives at least one fic of at least 1000 words, and each participant also writes at least one fic of at least 1000 ( Read more... )

rules, !modpost, !faq

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Comments 4

gehayi February 22 2011, 03:27:04 UTC
Are crossovers allowed?


gileonnen February 22 2011, 03:37:58 UTC
That's an excellent question! (And I'll edit the FAQ to reflect it!) The answer is this:

Yes, you may request a crossover or write a crossover, but with some stipulations. The primary source text must be amongst the plays and poems listed, and no more than half of your requests may be for crossovers. If you wish to write a crossover for your recipient that the recipient hasn't requested, run it by the moderators first, and we'll proceed from there.


likeadeuce February 22 2011, 06:35:24 UTC
I was like, "Oh, I totally don't have anything left to request in that fandom." And then I started with the prompt writing and *it all came back*.


gileonnen February 22 2011, 13:19:18 UTC
And your prompts are excellent! Anyone would be delighted to have them!


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