Gone underground.
Random comments welcome on this entry.
This is my journal. I write, I think, I fixate, I whine. When I rant, it will pretty much always be way over-the-top. I like reading and languages and satire and comedy and photography and music and visiting places and the concept behind the European Union. (Read my profile for a slightly more comprehensive list.) I strongly dislike rampant and wilful ignorance, bigotry in any of its colours, insane religious people, oversimplification, maths, dogmatic ideas and the people who buy into them, hypocrisy, those who are incapable of apologising for any reason, brownosers, maliciously rude people, self-righteousness to the point of impairing progress in any sense, lack of manners. I hate most fucking everything, really. If we friend each other you'll most likely read tons of raves about specifics of the contents of the former list, and rants about the contents in the latter one, interspersed with the occasional picture post. Journals are not for censoring. :O Therefore I will speak my mind, and promise to treat your opinions and ideas with respect.
Languages: Primarily English, with the occasional Spanish and the rare butchering of Italian.
I'll be able to read your journal if it is in any of the above-mentioned languages, but I'll have to rely on dubious-at-best google translate otherwise. JSYK. And I can't even be arsed to make an effort to decipher P0k3mOn $pE@k, so there you go.
Finally, please comment if you add me. If you just add me to your list without saying anything I'll just assume you're a weirdo who likes having tons of friends in their profile, and possibly have Aspergers and no manners. Or are a spammer/bot. Either way, you get an insta-ban. Otherwise, I love new friends. :)
I also promise I'm a lot more fun than what you would infer from this. XD
stylesheet/profile layout credits in my profile. tweaking of the layout by me.