Dec 09, 2010 22:52

hello children

first off, it bothers me that i even have an opinion on this in the first place. it's only recently that i've forsaken my long-held custom of not listening to noise. in fact, prior to listening to lightning bolt, noise represented to me everything i hated about the art world- what i perceived to be snobby "art for the sake of art". then i listened to lightning bolt. i don't know anything about this band; i suppose if they're a noise band and i like them then it probably means they're pretty lolentrylevelol but that doesn't bother me. the music sounds like the future to me.

my only problem is that i can't remember the name of this song i heard a while back where the vocals are like "waiiiii waiiiii waiiiii foe yo fait draaaape draaaape draaaape ol-lar-aye" or something like that... i remember liking it a lot and hitting repeat a few times but can't for the life of me find it again or remember the name.


today i read in the bible that bastards go to hell along with their next 10 generations of offspring. i hope that amongst the crap ton of ancestors i have going back 10 generations every body had a pappy.
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