Sep 04, 2010 20:28
i don't know if any of you have noticed, but present-day human existence, especially in our culture, is pretty ridiculous. take a look at the processes everyone goes through- childhood, grade school, highschool, college or work, work, work, work, work or die, get on social security and die. not to mention social security's gonna be gone before i'm even eligible to receive it, which means i have to spend all of my time now making not only enough money to support my family, but also to support my wife and me when we're too old to work. that's assuming i don't get a debilitating injury sometime between this very moment and when i retire- a scary possibility. even if i do have the grace of being able to work until old age, it's a pretty bleak existence for most of my life. a non-stop race for more education, more experience, and more friends so that i can ultimately have more money so that i can buy more things. every gain in affluence and wealth only serves to bore me so that i want even more. it's this psychological drive that society plays on- forcing everyone to work themselves to the point of exhaustion so that they can constantly get more stuff. this principal is the basis of nearly every culture to evolve from hunter gatherers and certainly of every modern society. the government and most media outlets spend billions of dollars and require massive resources in order to perpetually bombard us with distractions from our own reality; 1 in 5 americans think obama is muslim, people threw garbage at tony blair, lady ga ga doesn't have sex- and the worst thing is people get so wrapped up in these distractions that they form strong opinions about stuff they shouldn't care about otherwise and shake their fist at people on tv who disagree with them. who cares? who cares if they build a mosque in manhattan? it doesn't affect me. it's not going to take food out of my family's mouths. it won't increase my daily workload. it's not going to make my life any more unbearable than it already is.
the only job i want is to put food in my stomach and build a shelter over my head. why is there all of this extra, useless junk added in? why do i have to deal with car maintenance or picking the weeds out of the driveway? the whole world is just useless junk.