Nov 17, 2008 02:04


The year is slipping away and I feel the need to grasp and recap recent events for some reason. I don't know whether it is lack of LJ updates, or exponential increase in alcohol consumption, or even just the amount of craziness that has happened, but I'm becoming more and more forgetful. Rather odd feeling.

Work has been absolutely insane. We are renovating the entire department with a Sony, Loewe and Bose (YES!) shop - integrated into one. There are barricades, dust and stock everywhere! As well as a lot less hiding spots to escape crazy customers a la Pageant Day. I don't think I have ever seen so much Dada within the store.

Speaking of renovating, my parents have gone nuts. The restaurant is coming towards an end, and they have already started making plans for the house: outdoor room, repainting the house (100s of DVDs have been boxed up), and not to mention the mass printing of information on round-the-world cruises. I'll let them have their fun!


*recaps* / *bores everyone for the sake of memory*


We had a Thursday Amalfi's dinner for the sake of it ... and got obscenely intoxicated.

We also didn't have a dinner party, because Dawn would not be happy. We instead had, as Georgia told Sophie: a small gathering - like a cocktail night - where we have a bit of food... "Sophie? Is that consent?"

Anouvong hosted his 21st Style Icons party.

... where the Catholics got more than they bargained for.

Halloween has been my favourite weekend of the entire year. Orgasmic.


Eleanor hosted a lovely picnic in the gardens. Perfect Sunday afternoon!

Anouvong, Stevan and I headed to the F French Party. We were FAT.

We also farewelled Sophie back to Alice Springs. She's amazing.

And Lil's just hot.

2008, october, photos, friends, fun, november

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