(I can't get the words to work, you guys. This is why I haven't been posting. But this is important.)
I found out about the discussions collectively known as RaceFail '09 through
metafandom. As a result, I've been educating myself on white privilege and racism. I needed (and need) it. This particular post is not about me, though.
This post exists partly as a way of speaking out. I don't want my silence to be assent to racism in science fiction and fantasy circles (or anywhere, for that matter).
I am mostly, however, interested in bring RaceFail to the attention of people on my flist who may not be aware of what is going on, especially people who read science fiction and fantasy.
So, for anyone who is interested, some further reading. (Quotes are from their respective links.)
Two introductory links:
O HAI RACEFAILZ: Notes on Reading an Internet Conflict "RaceFail is a discussion about science fiction, fantasy, fandom, publishing, race, racism, power, and many other things."
"Emotions are high in RaceFail, and it may remind you of other internet discussions where emotions run high that we generally refer to as "wank." Don't let the similarity lead you to dismiss RaceFail as wank."
Some Advice for White Fans Who Have Only Recently Encountered RaceFail "It's okay if the only thing you take from having engaged in this mess is which professional science fiction authors are people you can respect and which ones aren't."
(I'm uncomfortable with it being okay that this is the only thing someone may take from this, but I think it's an important thing. See
tablesaw's post for more information.)
"The only thing you may learn from RaceFail is that we're all a whole lot more racist than you previously wanted to suspect."
Stuff you can do (see the introductory links, too):
Race Fail, Silence and Words Recommended reading for, among other things, the symmetry:
response to Elizabeth Bear's...
post *
There is a daddy-long-legs crawling on the wall above my computer, keeping me company.
I hope everyone is well.
ETA more links: 1)
For Clueless White People and 2)
epic linkspam. Thank you,