Why star wars is really starting to piss me off.

May 22, 2005 00:02

I haven't seen the new one but after the last one, I don't think I could bring myself to watch it.

Forget that the geek they chose to play the "dark lord of the universe" looked ridiculous with all that gel in his hair, and sucked as a leading man throughout,
his moment to shine was taken from him.

There was a scene where his mother dies and he decides to inflict his wrath upon a village of Tuskan Raiders. He looks like he means business and in the ultimate duping of the ticket holder, They just tell us what he did instead of showing it.

Hello, this is the movie version not the book.

We PAID money to SEE what happens, not to get the summary in an epilogue.

You forgot to show us what makes the bad guy a bad guy.

Well, this is the politically correct era, so let's take all the fighting and checking out of hockey, all the swearing out of rock music, and while we're at it how about we take all the action out of the action movies.

We can just talk about the dramatic parts and skip them in case any one gets offended.

So what am I paying for? Someone who will cave under pressure and give in to censhorship minded advisors and target the kiddy audience at the expense of their storyline.


That's what you did last time and you didn't learn from it. The entire appeal of villains is that they act in uncionscionable ways and are unapologetic about it.

We want to see the Baddies be bad, that way we won't feel bad when the good guys get their retribution on them.

If kids can watch George Bush's orgy of death in the desert then they can handle a few one-sided fake light-sabre duels. To learn when people like Darth Vader and George Bush need to be stopped.

Or else they will just get all confused when the president gets elected by rigging the votes in Florida.

I am digressing, this isn't about Bush because whether you like him or hate him
we are free to make up our own minds about whther we think he is protecting American interests or being a Fascist.

Apparently we are not aloud to formulate opinions about what Darth Vader does because the media that we view him from had been successfully curtailed from letting us see it.

Maybe he should run for office, because now he is all about image and demographics and pandering to the popular prejudices of our times.

Well you are not getting my $12.50

I'll go see movies like wonderland, that challenge the viewer to make up their own minds and decide whether they can handle it or not.

Just like a villain would, or would a villain make the decision for us
regardless of how we felt about it?

Which George respects the public less Bush or Lucas?
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