Jul 10, 2008 10:43
This fucking week.
We came in on Monday and found out that a lady we work with had died over the weekend. I didn't work very closely with her, but I knew her relatively well. Needless to say the whole place is in shock. She was only 51 years old. Then yesterday two of the four people in my office lost their jobs. They weren't let go for anything they did, their positions were 'eliminated' in order to cut costs. Neither had any warning whatsoever. Fucked up. I don't think my job is in any danger, but it definitely has me thinking about it. The final little fuck you came last night when we all went out to the Moonlight Cafe for Scott's birthday dinner. It was a great bunch of people and a really fun time, so of course who walks in but that girl. Of all the fucking restaurants on all nights, she walks in with some anonymous hipster douche and gets a table directly across from us. I'm over that whole thing, but I was still super self-conscious the whole time.
I went for a walk last night to try and clear my head and make some sense of it all. I made my way to Volunteer Park to hang out for a while and watch the last bit of daylight fade from the sky. It was nice and relaxing despite the creepy old dudes cruising the park. The night was cool and the breeze even chilly at times but I found it refreshing, made me realize I was alive. I don't know if I was able to make any sense of what happened, but I felt a little better by the time I got home. I sat on the stoop for a while just listening to the breeze through the trees and the sounds of the city. I don't do that enough.