May 29, 2007 15:41
Been doing things in a "gear up" sorta fashion... so so far I'm down about 4lbs. Hey anywhere but up is good right? I'm going out of town next week so I didn't want to start up full force just to be sidetracked which we know is a major issue with me... I've been walking or gardening and eatting fairly light but not recording it yet. The last few days i've been even better... so we're progressing fairly well and I assume things will start to tick down a bit quicker.
When I get back into town I think I'm going to start looking for that part time job just to get up and out of the house more often and to sock away some money for house stuff... While working won't really help with weight loss (I was nearly this heavy back when I worked at Pearl on my feet 40+hours a day) it can't hurt either.