
Jun 24, 2007 23:30

I just joined, but the last post made me think a bit, about a person's "actual type" surfacing more and more as they get older.

I used to test as an INTP, up until I was about 16 or 17. I'm 21 now. In the past few years, I've been testing as an XNFX, and it looks like I'm ultimately settling into INFJ. I've read the descriptions for Rationals and Idealists, particularly those for Architect Rationals and Counselor Idealists and I've come to realize that Idealist suits me much more. Sure, I've been thirsty for knowledge, but when I think about why I've been so eager to learn, it's ultimately been because of my desire for self-knowledge, identity, and meaning. (i.e. I want to read because I want to relate to the material or find something of personal significance) Then there's the whole "smart, well read person = NT" stereotype.

At first, I thought it was really weird, that I could go from testing INTP to testing INFJ, since the types are so different, then I realized that these types DO a lot of the same things, but for completely different reasons, and it turned out INFJ's reasons resonated with me a whole lot more.

Anyone else here feel like late bloomers into their "true selves"?
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