Mar 04, 2007 08:41
Well, I didn't pass regionals in History Day. I got an honorable mention, and they're going to mail me my little certificate soon, apparently. I switch off between two different moods. Sometimes, I feel like I wasted a golden opportunity, because there were only four people in my group...and they pick two. So I had a 50-50 chance (I've got some great math skills).
Most of the time, though, I realize that, like all else, this is just a passing moment in my life, a moment that will seem oh-so-unimportant perhaps even a mere matter of five years from now. I don't like to admit this because, for some reason, it reminds me of the coldness of humanity, but it is true that time, of all things, is the best healer. Besides, it's not that big a deal. It's a contest (nobody thinks it's a big deal until he or she wins...then it's a different story). I'm happy for the two people who did make it, Brian and Leigh. Congratulate them in the hall if you get the chance, because their plays were incredibly good. They deserve to make it. Brian's was on Malcolm X, and Leigh's was about Marilyn Monroe and the tragedy of the way people perceived her as opposed to how she wanted to be perceived.
So, yes...this was my Saturday...cavorting about Bridgewater State Collge with no apparent purpose...