Nov 25, 2011 11:59
This is my first Thanksgiving spent not with my family (excluding the one in Turkey, where I didn't celebrate it at all). It's actually turning out to be FOUR Thanksgivings:
1) Last weekend, Christian Fellowship potluck, nice but a little awkward because I can't go to the regular meetings (they conflict with an evening class) so I didn't know a lot of new people.
2) Yesterday, Thanksgiving at Allison and Dan's, with a few friends from Boston - among many other delicious things, I ate so much macaroni and cheese I pretty much wanted to die until after I'd been up for a few hours TODAY. Dan made super-saucy mac & cheese and Robert made a drier one with smoked cheeses, so there was lots. Best new Thanksgiving tradition ever.
3) Today, "official" Thanksgiving (i.e. the one we've been planning around for months) at Emily and Jonah's, with Emily's sister and her boyfriend from Portland, and six other people. We got up and started cooking first thing this morning and are probably bringing more food than necessary: I'm making a baked spinach dish and a vegetable stew with cheesy biscuits on top, and Rob is making mac & cheese again and bread rolls. Mmmm....
4) Next weekend is department "ThanXmas," as my friend who came up with the idea called it, i.e. a grad student potluck. It will be at my apartment because I have more space than she does but she's volunteered to make the turkey and help with dishes. Scoooore!
Whew. So many Thanksgivings! I am looking forward to seeing family at Christmas, but this is a pretty fun break from school to cook a lot and hang out with people I don't see enough. Even if school is rough sometimes, I'm glad I have the flexibility to keep going with it while I consider long term plans and thus stay in a town where I generally like my life.